Steffen, Elmer A.
From Catholic Romantic Music
Born: January 11, 1890, Indianapolis
Directorship o fMu-sic for the Diocese of Indianapolis; for the Cathedral of5.5.PeterandPaul-andtheOratoryofSt.PhilipNeri.OthermusicalgroupsunderhisdirectionaretheMen-delssohnChoir·andMatineeMusicaleChorale,bothoutstandingamonglocalchoralgroups.Mr.SteffenalsoenjoysrepresentationontheboardsoftheSocietyofSt.GregoryofAmericaandltheAuxiliaryCommitteetothePontificalInstituteofSacredMusicinRome..
List of sacred works
- Credalia : a collection of unisonous settings of the Credo, Gregorian chants, excerpts from modern unison and two-part masses, harmonized interpolations of the "Et incarnatus est." JFB 1934 1934
- Ecce sacerdos magnus. SATB org, Boston Music 1919
- Missa eucharistica, SATB org, JFB 1932
- TTBB, JFB 1932
- unison, org, JFB 1942
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